With an online event you remove not only the factor "location" but also the factor "time". In case of a recording of the event, it can still be viewed digitally all over the world in the future, which extends the long-term reach and also opens up a whole new audience. Event organisers can also increase this by sharing the recordings on social media. Guests, customers or employees from all over the world can participate via the Internet without having to invest travel time and costs. In addition, experts and speakers can be easily connected online from outside the company, despite a busy schedule. In addition, questions or comments from virtual viewers can be just as helpful suggestions and details, which can, for example, be asked live in an online chat or communicated afterwards.
Physical events have physical limitations - number of square metres, seating capacity, availability of the event location. Getting all guests to a single location is a major challenge, with different time zones, destinations and costs for different divisions or international offices. Virtual events have no such limitations and allow London and Berlin to be in the same space.
Virtual events also save visitors and speakers valuable time. Hectic travel routes, flights and long train journeys. The time associated with simply coming to an event can be enough to keep people from attending at all.
As long as participants can connect to the Internet, whether on a smartphone or laptop, they can access an online event. Due to the ease of participation in virtual events, the number of participants can be up to ten times higher than in a physical event. For event planners, booking speakers will also become more flexible.
Our blog series about virtual events:
Reach new dimensions ย ๐ ย To the blog post 1/7
More reach beyond geographical borders ย ๐ ย To the blog post 2/7
Attractiveness for sponsors ย ๐ ย To the blog post 3/7
Interaction via online & offline channels ย ๐ ย To the blog post 4/7
Reduce CO2 emissions and waste ย ๐ ย To the blog post 5/7
Less travel, room and marketing costs ย ๐ ย To the blog post 6/7
New technological possibilities ย ๐ ย To the blog post 7/7