Switch to the new product version now!

To make the migration to the new version as comfortable as possible for you, we will guide you through the process.

Your next steps to upgrade:

  • 1. Leave your contact details

    In order to migrate you to the new version, we need some information from you. If you have any questions or requests, please leave them in the comment field

  • 2. Contact you

    Our sales team will contact you shortly to clarify all details and discuss requirements & timeline

  • 3. Onboarding new version

    The onboarding process is highly customer dependent. Customer success will define and implement the ideal onboarding package with you. This is also a great opportunity to optimise your event processes

  • 4. Start with evenito

    As soon as all steps have been carried out, you can start creating your first event in the new version

Are you not convinced yet?

Discover what our latest product release has to offer

Companies already creating unique events with evenito