Blog series virtual events (5/7): Reduce CO2 emissions and waste

Tobias Giger, Chief of Growth & Marketing
October 21, 2020

Bringing event participants together through the hybrid format reduces the need for travel. This minimises not only the costs and CO2 emissions caused by transport, but also downtime for visitors' travel. In addition, the reduction in the number of participants on site also reduces the amount of discarded meals and the transport of all furnishings, such as chairs and tables.

Climate change is largely due to the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) and other man-made emissions. However, we as organisers must also be aware of the effects of the greenhouse gases that cause the greenhouse effect and take measures as guests, even if on a small scale.

Every big change begins with several small ones, and this is also true in the event sector. Controlling waste management, optimising water and electricity consumption and reducing the carbon footprint are just some of them. In this way, the amount of CO2 generated by the event itself can be reduced. With the help of virtual or hybrid events, the following factors, among others, can be supported:

  • Less travel:
    Long journeys by plane or car are known to have a significant impact on the carbon footprint. Transportation is also undoubtedly the largest emitter of emissions from events. We are not only talking about the transportation of visitors, but also of the equipment, event catering and all the technology. In the case of hybrid or online events, CO2 emissions are correspondingly reduced considerably or even almost completely.
  • Reduction of waste (meals, plastic, etc.):
    Most of the time a large part of the event catering at events is thrown away. Added to this is the enormous wear and tear on plastic packaging. Of course, already when choosing a caterer, its sustainability should be taken into account and an appropriate choice should be made. Very often, the amount of food required is also grossly overestimated. With the help of event management software, all data from past events can be used to estimate the quantities required in the future. In the case of purely virtual events, the effort required for catering is then completely unnecessary.
  • Environmentally friendly catering:
    Food, its production and transport cause large amounts of CO2 emissions. The fewer visitors there are physically on site, the less or no catering is required. However, the type of catering must also be taken into account. While meat and fish have a much greater impact on the environment, at least a large part of the menu should be vegetarian.

Our blog series about virtual events:

Reach new dimensions ย  ๐Ÿ‘‰ ย  To the blog post 1/7

More reach beyond geographical borders ย  ๐Ÿ‘‰ ย  To the blog post 2/7

Attractiveness for sponsors ย  ๐Ÿ‘‰ ย  To the blog post 3/7

Interaction via online & offline channels ย  ๐Ÿ‘‰ ย  To the blog post 4/7

Reduce CO2 emissions and waste ย  ๐Ÿ‘‰ ย  To the blog post 5/7

Less travel, room and marketing costs ย  ๐Ÿ‘‰ ย  To the blog post 6/7

New technological possibilities ย  ๐Ÿ‘‰ ย  To the blog post 7/7
Stay tuned to our blog. Only the good suff.
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