4 Steps to a Personalised Event

Tobias Giger, Chief of Growth & Marketing
June 24, 2020

In today's highly competitive marketplace, delivering personalised experiences is no longer a "nice to have" but a must. In an increasingly digital environment, personal connections are becoming more and more important. The abundance of content from social media, email marketing and advertising is triggering a growing need for personalisation and authentic relationships. We show you how to find authentic ways to personalise your event communication.

After we have analysed the data you need to personalise your events (last blog post "What data do you need to personalise your events?"), we now move on to the creative part. The personalisation of an event experience should be applied throughout the entire event cycle. This can be in bigger aspects like a keynote, but also smaller ones like the communication by invitation or confirmation email. It is important to consider every single moment on the journey and make it unique and effective.

The goal of event personalisation is to provide a curated, appealing and individualised event experiences that appeal to a target audience you define. Let's start with the first of the four steps!

1. Targeted and personalised event communication

The timing of your messages and information is important to involve your target audience before, during and after an event. Personalised emails result in higher opening, click-through and conversion rates than messages without customised content. Because personalisation makes recipients or target groups feel individually addressed and receive the information that is really relevant and of interest to them.

Email Editor

Personalised e-mail communication
An email editor enables you to target the right people with the right message. Using placeholders, guest or customer information can be inserted into the event communication, making the email per guest even more personalised. In addition, users can create their own email templates and reuse them across multiple events. The possibilities - from personalised content, dynamic placeholders to intelligent registration links - are endless. Templates, scheduled emails and the ability to organize emails by targeting, company or other personalisation tags will increase the opening and click-through rates of your communication and marketing efforts.


Event website
Keep your guests up to date with event content on your event website. With the help of the website tool and the creation of a landing page in your design, you can create a uniform brand experience. evenito gives you the opportunity to give each of your guests an individual link to the event website, so that only the data and information that is relevant for the guest or target group is visible:

  • Agenda: Individual course of the event for the corresponding target group (selected workshops, sessions and times)
  • Photo gallery with the photos relevant for the guest (see point 4)
  • Personalised communication on the event website
  • Personalised registration process, tailored to the needs, interests and already known information of the guest
  • Contents or whole pages of the website with individual information

2. Personalised registration process

Imagine a registration process where each participant receives the appropriate ticket type, prizes and personal information before the event. This allows a fast and smooth registration as well as a user-friendly process. This level of personalisation is feasible for every organiser!

Examples for individual and personalised ticket and registration types are VIPs or Sponsors. This allows you to tailor the registration process to the type of customer and add individual questions and information.  

How do you create a personalised registration process?

Ask conditional questions in the registration form during the registration process in order to get individual information from the guest. With the corresponding answers, an individualised path can be created. In this way, you also collect additional valuable data and content.


  • Do you need an overnight stay in a hotel?
  • Do you need a shuttle to get to the event?
  • In which session or workshop do you want to participate?

Of course, you can also use the opportunity to collect questions about food, workshop topics or activity preferences, which can also be helpful for future events.


Individual registration process
When planning your event, define different guest categories (e.g. VIP, employees) and adjust the registration perfectly to them. Add category-specific questions and an individual companion management and create dynamic registration processes. The registration form can be embedded into your existing company website or event website.

Take the ticket design into your own hands and create as many ticket types as you like. These types can differ individually in price and the minimum/maximum number of available tickets. You can also define for which guest category the ticket is visible. Give them your desired look & feel and personalize them with individual participant data and QR codes, which can be used for check-in.

3. Event check-in experience

An important moment in the entire event cycle is the arrival of the participants at the venue. Seamless check-in, a badge in the organiser's design and stress-free admission to the event ensure a thoroughly positive start to your event. At this point, the organiser should have enough information about the guest to call him by name at the entrance, know the accompanying person(s) and possibly some preferences.


Check-in app & badge printing
Impress your customers with a 3-second check-in process using digital check-in. Say goodbye to paper-based entry controls and reduce waiting times. Badges or labels can be customised and printed directly at check-in. You can also add placeholders for dynamic content from your evenito guest list. Automate the printing process of name badges and customize them for each guest.

With guest management and the answers to the questions in the registration process, you can also greet and serve the guest (and their companions, if applicable) in person upon entry.

4. Individualised photo management

With photos you can capture unforgettable experiences for a long time. The sharing of impressions and locations via social media is common practice nowadays and free advertising for every event organiser. Visitors should therefore be informed as soon as possible about the photos of the event they are going to attend.

Photo Gallery

evenito's photo management tool
The unique Event Photo Management Tool makes sharing and publishing images a breeze. With the possibility of photo tags, the event photographer can tag the pictures at the event. With the help of the tagging app, people on the photos are marked, but also workshops or individual criteria.

Here too, there are several possibilities to offer the guest a unique experience:

  • Personal Follow up E-Mail: You can send your participants all their tagged photos by e-mail during or after the event.
  • Private photo viewing: The tagging option allows for a private viewing only, so that only the guests themselves can see the photos on which one is tagged.
  • The photos are uploaded to the event website in real time and can be shared immediately via the guests' social media channels. The photo tags enable galleries of e.g. workshops. Access rights can be managed and controlled.


Personalised content and measures increase visitor quality, improve the return on investment (ROI), reduce the no-show rate and increase visitor participation. Personalisation can actively contribute to achieving these goals and should be given a lot of attention before, during and after the event. evenito guides you step by step through the entire organisation, preparation, implementation and post-processing. Let us accompany you and inspire your guests!
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